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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Prenatal Class

I called my doctor the Monday after we got our pregnancy test and was shocked when they told me they don't have you come in for your first appointment until 10 weeks... I believe my response was something like, "What? But I have like a million questions and things I NEED to know before then." The lady at the appointment desk then reassured me and told me that we would be attending a prenatal class to help answer and questions we had. I took a deep breath...and then scheduled the class for this past Thursday. James and I were both very excited to go and learn all about what was going on with our little one! Of course when I got home from work on Thursday I was so anxious I went to the bookstore and bought The Everything Guide to Pregnancy. I just couldn't wait to figure out what all was going on with me. So, needless to say when we got to the class I felt like I already knew everything they were going to say. I was a little disappointed when the nurse said that as a "pregnant person" (why wouldn't she say woman or something... like maybe some of the men in there were pregnant or something? That drove me crazy during the whole class.) you shouldn't drink anything that as artificial sweetener in it. As most of you know... I need a diet coke in the morning, and I like to have one in the afternoon as well. James has got me down to just one a day but now I'm being told I can't have any at all. According to her I could have a regular coke in the mornings, but I hate those. When I asked why she said that research shows that NutraSweet and other artificial sweeteners are really bad for you, and that you really shouldn't have them any time, pregnant or not... So, I'm trying to figure it out....Do I not need to drink the cokes for the baby's sake? All of you reading this blog that have had kids did you drink diet drinks during pregnancy? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I too was shocked when I called the doctor and they told me he wouldn't want to see my until I was 12 weeks. I've been going crazy. The first two weeks of knowing, I called my doctor's nurse several times. Then my friend Meghan gave me a baby book and I bought one myself. I've also subscribed to several baby sites to help relate to other mothers.

    In regard to the sweetner thing, I drink water so this hasn't been an issue. Although, right when I found out, I craved coke...which is very, very strange. That has passed.

  2. I thought the same thing when I first called the doctor. The original group I was going to use didn't even do an ultrasound until 18 weeks!! I quickly changed groups. My first appt. was at 8 weeks and that was my first ultrasound.

    As for the diet coke thing, my doctor is very conservative and she told me I should stick to 1 diet coke/day. (Even though if you read pregnancy books, they say up to 240 milligrams a day - that's more than 1 diet coke). I usually have 1 diet coke and then 1 caffeine free diet coke in the afternoon. I honestly think my baby would be suffering more if I stopped cold turkey from caffeine.
