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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

H1N1 Scare...

So as most of you know I work with a class full of snotty nose four year olds all day. The chance of getting sick while pregnant is not in my favor, needless to say. Yesterday at school we got a phone call from a parent saying that the brother of one of my students has H1N1. Great. I immediately worry about baby Harper. At our prenatal class they told us that if you come in "direct contact" with someone that has H1N1 they will treat you for it with a low dose of tamiflu as a preventative. I called my doctor yesterday kind of in a panic and they assured me that I hadn't had direct contact. They said if one of my kids actually gets then they might have to do the treatment. Whew... I'm so nervous about this whole being responsible for another life thing.

While on the topic of H1N1 I have a question that I need some input on.... Do you think I should get the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available? Here is my concern: of course since it is a new vaccine our doctors really don't know if, or how it could affect (or effect?) our baby. They assume that the CDC made sure it would be safe for pregnant women, but I haven't heard anything about what they think it would do to the baby growing inside of me. And really, there is no way for them to truly know until several pregnant women have had the vaccine and given birth. So, for now....this is what I'm thinking....Don't get the vaccine unless our school has an outbreak. What do you all think?


  1. Hey Ashley,
    Not sure if this is helpful, but here's a recent NY Times article re: this very topic...
    And here's the Mayo clinic's advice:

    And here's the CDC Information:

  2. I worry about this too! My first appt dr's appt is Monday and this is number one on the topics to ask about.

  3. Ashley...I struggled with this decision too! At first I was planning to just get the regular flu vaccine, but now I've heard horror stories and I'm definitely getting the H1N1 vaccine. With James Ralph working in hospitals, he told me of a 20 year old pregnant girl who died of H1N1. I know this is harsh, but this was the first story that really made me think - I need the vaccine. In the case of the pregnant girl, she got so bad she just couldn't breathe. (She was far enough along they did a c-section 2 days before she died to save the baby). I feel that my doctor is very conservative; she wholeheartedly supports the vaccine. I trust her! It's a tough decision though - but can you imagine if you got sick and didn't do anything to try and prevent it? Sorry for the doom and gloom! On a happy are you feeling? I hope to see you soon and hear about little baby Harper!!

  4. Ash- for what it's worth, My mom said she would not recommend it to pregnant women. As you know, she works in a lab and is the CDC contact for her hospital. She said that while it is really nasty with pregnant women , there simply is NOT enough research on the effect on the fetus. They put the vaccine together in a matter of months and very little research was done. She said it's a lose, lose situation. She is not getting it and she works in a hospital.
    With you working with snotty nose kids on a daily basis, it might be better to get it.
    Abby- I have a friend who is an OB nurse and she said the same thing - they had a pregnant girl die in Vandy a couple of weeks ago from the flu. I think it's a tough decision for your pregnant peeps.

  5. After talking to my OBGYN today, I'm getting it. It is almost like it is a sign to get it because I'm pregnant and everyone is talking about how pregnant women account for 7% of the population that has died from it. My doctor is supportive. Of course I still have reservations, but I work with the public every day. Heaven forbid I come in contact with it and something happen to me AND Baby Norris. I think it will be a personal preference.
