Baby Harper

 BabyFruit Ticker

Our First Baby

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And so it begins...

I've been telling you for quite a while that Carson loves to eat. Well, he does and that hasn't changed! One of his new favorite foods are blueberries!! He's also been eating yogurt (banana, peach, and strawberry), and he is lovin' it! However, lately Carson has decided that he likes fruit better than vegetables. For lunch and dinner I typically give Carson a fruit (or yogurt) and a vegetable. Now that he is eating more I have to put them in separate bowls. Being that I am not one of those people that eats all of my green beans before I move onto my apples I don't make him do that either. He'll have a few bites of green beans, a couple bites of apple, and so on. Well, a couple days ago I saw a little light bulb go off in Carson's head. I'm pretty sure his little brain told him this, "Hey, you like whats in the red bowl...lets just eat that." So, he moaned and groaned through the veggies bites and gobbled up the fruit. I didn't really think much about it until the next day, and next day that he did it again. And then yesterday I could barely get him to eat the veggies at all.... that little stinker. Today for lunch Carson had carrots and apples. Only this time, he was one of those people that eat all of their green beans before they eat a bite of their apples :)

Right after the new year we taught Carson to raise his arms up when we say, "Touchdown"! It was absolutely adorable but he only did it for a couple days and then he was over it. Since then he'll do it once in a blue moon. During the last couple of days we've gotten him to do it, and this morning....I somehow managed to get a picture. And how perfect...He was wearing his football pj's!!!

Yeah I know, pretty much the cutest thing ever!

Today while I was doing some laundry Carson found a new toy...The laundry basket! He was very intrigued by all of the little holes in the sides. Isn't it funny by what they find fun to play with? haha He scooted it around for a while and then figured out that he could dump it over. While I was folding the laundry he was tipping it back and forth pulling the clothes out, as if to hand them to me, one at a time to fold. Sweet. I'm going to have this boy doing laundry in no time :)

Last night I got a cute little video of Carson walking around the living room with James... Love seeing those two playing together :)

Oh, and on another random note...Did I mention that we are experiencing a little Spring Fever over here? Today, I wore flip flops and Carson went shoe and sock less...and it was oh, so wonderful :)

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