Baby Harper

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Our First Baby

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jeans and Genes

I wonder if Baby Harper knows just how excited we are for the upcoming few weeks? It seems like James and I are always talking about "the baby" and how things are going to be when he/she finally arrives. We've talked about if we think its going to be a boy/girl... I am thinking its going to be a girl, and I cant get a guess out of James! haha In the last few weeks we have really been discussing what we think our little one will be like. It's funny because as James and I step back and take a look at our "good genes" that we would like to pass on to our child we realize that all his genes we would like the baby to have, I don't have, and vice versa. For example... I hope that our little guy/girl gets my thick hair (They will hate it for a LONG time but then they'll realize that it's really for the best!) James....poor guy doesn't have a whole lot left so he is really hoping he doesn't pass that on. haha I am really hoping that James passes on his brains, I'm not saying that I am dumb or anything...because of course I'm not. haha But James is really smart! I have more of a creative mind which comes in handy of course... and I definitely hope our little one is creative. They have to be right? I feel like that's a HUGE part of who I am. There is so much that I enjoy doing that takes a creative mind! James hasn't said it but I am sure he is hoping that I don't pass on my hard-headedness!! Little does he know that everyone that has Fiorella blood is bound and determined to be hard-headed. Gotta love it... It just makes us right most of the time... everyone likes to be right don't they?
I'm sure that no matter which genes the baby gets we'll love them just the same even if they have thin hair, get straight C's in school, and don't have a creative bone in their body! haha

I've been reading on about what's going on with baby this week and it looks like Baby Harper is still smaller than my crazy! This week he/she is about the size of an avocado...growing bigger everyday! Tiny bones are starting to form in the baby's ears so they are beginning to be able to hear what we say, now isn't that weird to think about!!!! Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to form also (keep your fingers crossed it's thick)! I can really tell that our little man/woman is getting bigger because my jeans are all getting tight. I hate that...Makes me wonder if my eating is making me fat, or if the baby is just making me bigger? I'm sure every pregnant woman asks that same question right? Is this "the bump" that everyone talks about or am I just getting fat?

I'm trying to get James into the whole "design of the baby room" thing but he just isn't into that yet... Me on the other hand has been thinking about it since we started TRYING to get pregnant (Sept 08') I'm pitiful I know. James is the type that doesn't have an opinion about something until it becomes time to do it. For example, I've been talking about bedding, and colors and he's all like "I don't care, you can decide." and then the day I make the decision and go out to buy the paint he'll come along and say something like, "Are you sure you like that color...I'm not sure if that would look good." So I am sure that once it gets a little closer, and once we find out the sex he'll really start to have an opinion. Gotta love him :)

We are counting down the days until we get to go home to see our family!! We leave Friday afternoon for the Harper's house and we'll get to spend a few days there, go to a WKU game in between, and then spend a few days with the Fiorellas!! We are soooooo excited to see everyone, and get out of this cold weather for a while. For those of you that are jealous of our snow....Are you jealous of -3 degrees this morning with -10 to -20 wind chills? Yeah, didn't think so. Enjoy your 60 degree weather Kentucky! haha

1 comment:

  1. We love you all and your blog! We are just as excited!!!!

    love u

    Granny & Pops
