Baby Harper

 BabyFruit Ticker

Our First Baby

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank goodness for more energy!

Finally... My energy is back, and just in time! My recent lack of energy, or stamina I guess you could call it has put a hamper on my ability to go, go, go like I normally do. I had a list a mile long of things that needed to get done this past weekend and luckily I was able to check all items off the list...with a little help from the hubby of course! haha We got our Christmas lights put up and I must say they look great :) I can't wait to turn them on Thursday night! I'll post some pictures after I get my tree up :) I also spent the weekend doing some "cleaning out". For those of you that aren't aware our little townhouse here is just not big enough! We are already busting at the seams, I can't even imagine what it will be like once our little guy/girl gets here! We have a HUGE closet in our spare bedroom that has been storing lots of "stuff" that I didn't want to get rid of... I bet I have cleaned that closet out 5 times since we have lived there... each time taking a car load of stuff to the Goodwill. I just don't understand how there is still TONS of stuff in there! I was hanging on to a lot of my teaching stuff and I just decided that I could keep one tub of stuff and the rest had to go.... After all... baby trumps teaching stuff. haha So, needless to say I had another WHOLE car load of things to donate :) This time I think I threw out everything that I could, and now, baby Harper has his/her own space in the closet :)
We, or I...haha have been preparing for our house guests that will be arriving on Thursday... The Harper's :) Gary and Pam are coming to visit us again this Thanksgiving! I'm super excited about their visit... I haven't gotten to see them since this summer so I cant wait! I am also very excited about all of the cooking :) I love to cook, bake, and entertain... I just feel lucky that I am going to be "well enough" to eat it! Yay!!! This year our Thanksgiving dinner menu will be:
One juicy turkey...prepared by James :)
Green beans
Mashed potatoes
Harvest Apple Salad (my fav.)
and for dessert....
Chocolate Chess pie
Apricot cake... YUM :)
Of course when I am having company I always feel like there should be cookies in the house... So last night I was going to bake a batch of my "Killer Cookies" and James says, "Well if your making cookies why don't you bake some for the guys at work... they love it when you bake for them!" So... last night I baked a batch for the guys at his work. Now, this afternoon I'm going to make ANOTHER batch :) I've still got lots of cleaning and things to do before they get here on Thursday so hopefully this high energy thing will hang around for a few days :)
Thanksgiving is a great time of year to really stop and think about how lucky you really are. I've been thinking about that a lot lately :) We feel sooo lucky to be expecting a little Harper and we just can't wait for all of the exciting moments in our very near future! We are also so thankful for our wonderful families and all of the support and love they give us!! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving...Gobble, Gobble :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you have your energy back!!! Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year...and this year...more of an excuse to eat for 2 ;) HA! Happy Thanksgiving!!

    PS...I'm interested in the Killer Cookies! I love to bake (Greg cooks), so any time you have a yummy recipe, feel free to share ;)
