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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

It's amazing how the choices and decisions you make change when you start thinking as a "family" instead of an individual, or a couple. From little decisions to big decisions they all impact your whole family's life...not just yours. I guess this is one of the first lessons you learn as the parents-to-be. It seems like every decision we make will impact Carson's little life. This is a scary thought for sure! I don't think we ever gave our parents enough credit for making all of our choices for us for SO many years. So, Mom, Dad, Gary, and Pam... We thank you! Anytime you're missing making those tough decisions feel free to make some for us!! haha I'm sure in the coming months you will be getting many phone calls that sound something like, "Help! We don't know what to do!" We are SO lucky to have such a wonderful support system all around us to help... Can't imagine what we'd do without you all :)
I feel so very lucky to have James in my life as well. What an amazing dad he is going to be. He always stays so calm and cool about everything...I honestly don't understand how he does it. I envy that about him. I'm counting on him to keep me from going crazy...haha With all of the choices and decisions that come with parenting at least their is one thing I never have to question...our relationship. It couldn't be any stronger. What more can you ask for as you are about to jump into a totally new life? The funny thing about the choices you make in life is that you can never really know if it was the right one. You can always say, "What if..." One thing I do know for certain is that marrying James was the best decision I ever made.

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness's are family happiness's.

-Joyce Brothers

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