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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Downtown Mini-apple...

James and I decided that since we wont be here forever (in Minnesota that is) we should take Carson around to see some of our favorite parts of this amazing city! There is SOO much to do and see. I know when we do leave this place we'll really miss it, and the people we've met while we've been here. So, with that said Saturday night James and I decided to take Carson to see downtown Minneapolis for the first time!

Thanks Mom for making me look so cute for my first trip to the big city :)
-Love Carson

Carson having a little dinner down by the river.

At the Stone Arch Bridge (a beautiful bridge that's a walking trail over the river)

In front of the Mill City Museum (on right), a museum about flour milling. For those of you that aren't aware...James works at a flour mill...So of course this is a favorite spot of ours! It's a was once a flour mill where a historic explosion took place, the building was preserved as is now a museum! On the left is the Guthrie Theater. In this picture you can see the large chunk of the building that sticks out, it's a deck you can walk out on to get an incredible view of the city!!!
James and Carson on the Stone Arch Bridge looking out over the river, and checking out the Mini-apple sky line. People here call it the "mini-apple" because they say the city is like a mini, clean version of New York City, the "big-apple". Minneapolis has TONS of shopping, cool restaurants, theaters, and just lots of neat culture that you don't see in every big city!

Carson and I by the dam :) Such a pretty view!

We started our family in this amazing city and we'll always remember this special place :)

1 comment:

  1. We know you want to move home soon, but we selfishly hope you all will stay a little longer! :) Love these pictures of your beautiful family. We especially like the pictures by the Mill City Museum. Isn't it a spectacular view from their balcony?
    See you all soon!
